Rehearsals of Belonging

A collection of drawn and painted fabrics sway from a wooden structure. The motifs on their surfaces were created from repetitive, rhythmic, multi-layered depictions of queer weeds and other "traveling plants" that have found a new place outside their place of origin. 

The structure, designed by architect Mikkel Nielsen, explores feelings of belonging through physical variations of what is inside and outside. Viewers, guided by the artist's voice and a soundtrack composed by Stefan Węgłowski, build a language of movement and interaction with the artwork thus become performers themselves. 

Led by meditative instruction, they dance in costumes made from the same hand-decorated fabrics as the scenography. Individually and together, in sync and against the flow, as individuals lost in the crowd and as a spontaneously united "multi-being," they journey through successive stages of the Rehearsals of Belonging.

The project is the result of research and work production during the spring residency at Art Hub Copenhagen.  The premiere show took place at Container Academy in Copenhagen in June 2024.